Friday, July 29, 2011

Neon Mamacita Etsy Summer Sale

For Two Weeks only 20% off everything at Neon Mamacita on Etsy
Just enter the code Summersale20

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Vaguely Ethnic

 What are you?  I dunno, a human. No, no, I mean where are you from? Um, New York. No, like where are you from?

For some reason, I get this a lot. The answer is not very interesting (half Jewish half WASP), so I try and mix it up. I throw a little latino in the mix, sometimes I'm a quarter African, one time I was 1/16 Chinese. But in all honesty, I am vaguely ethnic. I don't like to commit to a single geographic area.

These photos were shot in Rumi Tsuda's studio (she just happens to be my aunt). It is a place that aestheticizes the mixture of peoples and cultures. Her work deserves a post in itself, but check out her website for a sneak peak.

More after the jump!

Friday, July 22, 2011

The Cape, Cod that is: Hunting at the Wellfleet Flea Market

Until this weekend the only flea market that I had been to is the Brooklyn Flea. That market is characterized by girls in platform shoes and boys in plaid shirts, it's a hip fucking joint. The Cape Cod Flea market is not hip. It is not cool. It is not young. It is mostly full of junk and vendors who seem to have a hoarding problem brought on by several years of light meth addition. But fiiiine, I'll admit it, I bought a few things, and I love em'.

Much more after the jump!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

My Ikea Fascination Continues.... With Bros, Kittens, and Baby Instructions

What is it about Ikea that I love so much? Could it be the Lingonberry Jam? The swedish meatball special? Wait- that's only the food. Really what I love is the feeling that if you buy this couch, no matter how ugly- your life will be orderly, clean, and happy (If only you could assemble the damn thing!). Obviously I am not the only one with Ikea addiction...

All photos by Christian Gideon 

Kittens and Baby Instructions after the jump!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

The Stepford Wives of Ikea

I moved last week to a beautiful apartment. But after years of living in college housing, bouncing between coasts, and living at my parent's place I didn't have a single piece of furniture. So off to Ikea it was! That Swedish wonderhouse of cheap furniture just begged for a photoshoot, so I obliged. Betty Draper eat your heart out.

1940's Novelty Print Green Dress
All Furnishings by Ikea
Photography by Nick Shepard

Friday, July 8, 2011

Baby Love: Chick Rock for V Magazine

Baby Love my Baby Love. Inspired by The Supremes but with an almost Beatles-esque look, these girls channel the pop bands of the 60s. I only wish that I could do cat eyes like these babes.

Baby Love shot by Josh Olins

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

4th of July n' shit

In honor of my recent move to Williamsburg and my landlord's absence, my brother and I decided we had to take full advantage and have a rooftop BBQ. Who needs the Hamptons when you've got a tar slicked rooftop and a New York sunset like this?

More after the jump!